Generic viagra cost 2017

Find out the average cost of generic Viagra in 2017 and compare prices from different online pharmacies. Save money on your medication by shopping around and finding the best deals on generic Viagra.

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What was the cost of generic viagra in 2017?

Viagra is a medication that is commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction. It is available in both brand-name and generic versions, with the generic versions being more affordable. In 2017, the cost of generic Viagra saw a significant decrease, making it more accessible to individuals who previously could not afford the brand-name version.

Generic Viagra contains the same active ingredient as the brand-name version, sildenafil citrate. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis, allowing for a firm and lasting erection. The generic version is just as effective as the brand-name version, but at a fraction of the cost.

One of the main reasons for the decrease in generic Viagra cost in 2017 was the expiration of Pfizer’s patent on the brand-name version. Once the patent expired, other pharmaceutical companies were able to produce and sell their own versions of sildenafil citrate, resulting in increased competition and lower prices.

With the decrease in cost, more individuals were able to afford generic Viagra and benefit from its effects. This increased accessibility has led to a higher demand for the medication, as well as a greater understanding and acceptance of erectile dysfunction as a treatable condition.

Factors influencing generic viagra cost in 2017

Several factors influenced the cost of generic viagra in 2017. These factors include:

1. Competition

The level of competition in the generic viagra market played a significant role in determining its cost. When multiple manufacturers produce generic versions of a medication, the increased competition can drive down prices. In 2017, the availability of multiple generic viagra options led to a more competitive market, resulting in lower costs for consumers.

2. Patent expiration

The expiration of Viagra’s patent in 2017 allowed other pharmaceutical companies to produce and sell generic versions of the drug. With the entry of generic alternatives onto the market, the increased supply led to more options for consumers and lower prices.

3. Manufacturing costs

The cost of manufacturing generic viagra is another factor that influenced its price in 2017. The cost of raw materials, production processes, and packaging can impact the overall cost of the medication. Manufacturers with efficient production methods and economies of scale may be able to offer lower prices to consumers.

4. Market demand

The demand for generic viagra in 2017 also influenced its cost. Higher demand can lead to higher prices, while lower demand can result in lower prices. Factors such as consumer preferences, marketing efforts, and the availability of alternative treatments can all impact the demand for generic viagra.

5. Regulatory environment

The regulatory environment surrounding generic viagra in 2017 also played a role in its cost. Regulatory requirements, such as obtaining FDA approval, can add to the expenses of manufacturers, which can then be reflected in the pricing of the medication.

6. Insurance coverage

The availability and extent of insurance coverage for generic viagra in 2017 influenced its cost for consumers. Insurance companies may negotiate pricing agreements with manufacturers, which can result in lower out-of-pocket costs for insured individuals.

7. Market dynamics

Overall market dynamics, such as supply and demand fluctuations, changes in consumer preferences, and shifts in the competitive landscape, can all impact the cost of generic viagra. These factors can vary over time and contribute to price changes.


The cost of generic viagra in 2017 was influenced by various factors, including competition, patent expiration, manufacturing costs, market demand, the regulatory environment, insurance coverage, and market dynamics. Understanding these factors can provide insights into the pricing of generic medications and help consumers make informed decisions about their healthcare options.

Market competition and pricing

Market competition plays a significant role in determining the pricing of generic Viagra in 2017. As more companies enter the market, the competition increases, leading to lower prices.

Here are some key factors that influence the pricing of generic Viagra:

1. Number of competitors

The more companies there are producing and selling generic Viagra, the higher the competition, which can drive prices down. In 2017, the market saw an increase in the number of manufacturers, resulting in more competitive pricing.

2. Market demand

The demand for generic Viagra also affects its pricing. Higher demand generally leads to higher prices, as companies can capitalize on the popularity of the product. However, if the demand is low or stagnant, companies may lower their prices to attract more customers.

3. Manufacturing costs

The cost of manufacturing plays a crucial role in determining the pricing of generic Viagra. Factors such as raw material costs, production processes, and labor expenses can impact the final price of the product. Companies that can optimize their manufacturing process and reduce costs may offer lower prices to gain a competitive edge.

4. Marketing and distribution expenses

The marketing and distribution expenses incurred by companies also contribute to the pricing of generic Viagra. Companies that invest heavily in marketing and distribution may charge higher prices to cover these costs. On the other hand, companies with efficient distribution networks and lower marketing expenses may offer more competitive prices.

5. Pricing strategies

Each company has its own pricing strategy, which can vary based on factors such as target market, brand reputation, and market positioning. Some companies may choose to offer lower prices to gain market share, while others may focus on premium pricing to position their product as a high-quality option.

Overall, market competition and various factors such as the number of competitors, market demand, manufacturing costs, marketing expenses, and pricing strategies influence the pricing of generic Viagra in 2017.

Government regulations and subsidies

Government regulations and subsidies play a significant role in determining the cost of generic Viagra in 2017. These regulations and subsidies are put in place to ensure the safety and efficacy of medications, as well as to promote competition and affordability in the pharmaceutical industry.


The government regulates the production, distribution, and sale of generic Viagra to protect public health and ensure quality standards are met. These regulations include:

  • Approval process: Generic Viagra manufacturers must go through a rigorous approval process to demonstrate that their product is safe, effective, and bioequivalent to the brand-name version.
  • Quality control: The government sets standards for manufacturing practices, ingredient quality, and labeling to ensure that generic Viagra meets the same quality standards as the brand-name version.
  • Pricing regulations: In some countries, governments regulate the pricing of medications, including generic Viagra, to control healthcare costs and promote affordability.
  • Marketing and advertising restrictions: Governments may have regulations in place to restrict the marketing and advertising of generic Viagra to prevent misleading or false claims.


In some countries, the government provides subsidies or financial assistance to make medications, including generic Viagra, more affordable for the population. These subsidies can help reduce the out-of-pocket costs for patients and increase access to essential medications.

Subsidies may be provided in various forms, such as:

  • Health insurance coverage: Government-sponsored health insurance programs may cover the cost of generic Viagra, making it more accessible and affordable for individuals.
  • Pharmaceutical assistance programs: Governments may establish programs that provide financial assistance to low-income individuals or those with specific medical conditions to help cover the cost of medications, including generic Viagra.
  • Price negotiations: Some governments negotiate with pharmaceutical companies to lower the price of generic Viagra, making it more affordable for the population.

Impact on cost

Government regulations and subsidies can have both positive and negative impacts on the cost of generic Viagra. On one hand, regulations ensure the safety and quality of the medication, which is essential for public health. On the other hand, these regulations may increase the cost of production and compliance for manufacturers, which can be reflected in the price of the medication.

Subsidies, on the other hand, can help reduce the cost of generic Viagra for patients, making it more affordable and accessible. However, the availability and extent of subsidies vary between countries, which can impact the overall cost of the medication.

Overall, government regulations and subsidies are important factors that influence the cost of generic Viagra in 2017. They aim to balance the need for safety, efficacy, and affordability in the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring that patients have access to quality medications at a reasonable cost.


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How much does generic Viagra cost in 2017?

In 2017, the cost of generic Viagra varied depending on the pharmacy and the quantity purchased. On average, a one-month supply of generic Viagra ranged from $30 to $70.

Where can I buy generic Viagra in 2017?

In 2017, generic Viagra was available for purchase at various pharmacies, both online and offline. Some popular online pharmacies that sold generic Viagra included HealthWarehouse, Lemonaid Health, and eDrugstore.

Is generic Viagra cheaper than brand-name Viagra in 2017?

Yes, generic Viagra was generally cheaper than brand-name Viagra in 2017. The cost difference was due to the fact that generic versions of Viagra were made by different pharmaceutical companies and did not have the same brand recognition as the original Viagra.

Are there any discounts or coupons available for generic Viagra in 2017?

Yes, there were discounts and coupons available for generic Viagra in 2017. Some pharmacies offered promotional deals or loyalty programs that could help reduce the cost of generic Viagra. Additionally, some online pharmacies offered coupon codes that customers could use during checkout to get a discount on their purchase.

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